In case you’ve missed it, here you can find part 1.
Further to the previous article, today you can find more efficient tricks for achieving a perfectly clean kitchen.
5. Cabinets cleaning
This is a really time-consuming task but it is a must for a perfectly clean kitchen. However, these cabinets contain so many things and organising them once in a while is a good idea. Take out everything, check the expiry date of all food products, wipe the cabinets and then arrange everything back. You can even try to change the locations of some items, but even if you do not, when the cabinet is clean and organised you can find things easily.
Go with a damp cloth the entire surface of all cabinets and drawers. Clean inside, outside the door, above or underneath the cabinet, absolutely everywhere. The more good results you want, the more effort must be put forth.
6. Cleaning the Countertop and Sink 
Start by taking out everything from the kitchen countertop like plates, forks, cups and more. Use a cleanser to remove all possible dirt, which is located on the sink. Rub first with a wire brush, and then take a soft sponge to knock down any dust. Under the sink, you probably keep some cleaning products or other items or even the garbage bin. Sanitise it by removing everything and then organise it back.
7. Drawers sanitising
Clean them good, especially the one where you keep the utensils. If you’ve never cleaned this place now is the time to do it. Over time, it becomes increasingly dirty therefore you need to maintain this place absolutely clean as it reflects on the food preparation.
8. Lighting fixtures
They are the largest proprietor of dust. The more often you clean them, the fresher your kitchen will look. Mandatory clean them with a damp cloth and allow some time to dry. You can also change the bulbs if you have not done it long ago. As well as you could even consider more economical solutions that can even save you some electricity.
9. Extractor degreasing
You have to rub it hard because definitely has collected more dirt from the stove itself. If you see a filter, clean it or replace it. Some filters can be washed in the dishwasher machine too.
10. Floor polishing
You have already reached the final stage. Everything in your kitchen is cleaned from top to bottom, and now it’s time to clean the floor. How much dirt and sundries have fallen while you cleaned the cupboards, fridge, oven and others. First of all, use the vacuum cleaner. Depending on the type of your flooring, use a specific detergent and mop and sanitise it.
After all these 10 procedures, there is no way your kitchen to look like new again. And remember, the better detergents you use, the more sparkling it will look.
The Mega Cleaning company can assist you in any of your kitchen cleaning projects and relief you from this tedious chore. All you need to do is just contact us on 020 3637 7737 and your home will be nice and clean.