Landlord’s Guide to Apartment Cleaning Between Tenants

It is tempting to look for new renters as soon as the old tenants move out. Mostly because transitioning between tenants is a stressful and challenging experience. On top of that, you want to reduce the loss of rental income by filing that vacancy as soon as possible. Therefore, cleaning your rental property might not even be on the top of your list. You might even think that it was the previous tenant’s responsibility to leave the apartment clean. And while this may be true, apartment cleaning between tenants is a crucial step no landlord should miss. Not to mention that the period between the tenants is the perfect opportunity to inspect and clean your property thoroughly. You don’t want the future occupants feeling responsible for tears and spots left by the previous tenants.

Although time-consuming, deep cleaning your apartment has lasting effects, all of which are good. Of course, if you lack the opportunity to do this yourself, consider hiring professionals that will clean your apartment from top to bottom. As mentioned above, there are only good benefits to clean apartments. On the one hand, it will refresh your property and help you check if any maintenance issues would need to be resolved before the new tenants move in. On the other hand, a clean apartment shows that you care about your property. Your future tenants will appreciate this, and your relationship with them will begin on a sound basis. With this in mind, here are some tips and tricks that will help you with these daunting tasks.

Start preparing for apartment cleaning between tenants as soon as possible

Time is of the essence here, as you never know when new people will come to look at the property. Therefore, it’s best to prepare in advance, so you can organise your time and necessary supplies. Once you have the date when the tenants are moving out, head there on the very same day. If their move will take the entire day, start cleaning the day after. Don’t assume they will leave cleaning supplies behind. Instead, bring or buy your own.

However, before you begin with the cleaning, do a quick sweep of your property. Check if all the appliances are in working order, and replace light bulbs with new ones if necessary. If your apartment has air or furnace filters, inspect how dirty and worn-out they are. Don’t forget to also check if the fire alarm is working properly. Open cabinets, drawers, windows, and doors to ensure they are in good condition. Walls and floors may have some tears, blemishes, or spots, so don’t forget to check them out. After ensuring everything is in working order, it’s time to begin cleaning.

Basics things to clean

Although different rooms require different cleaning procedures, most of them have something in common. Walls and floors are just one of the inevitable things you should clean after every tenant. Depending on the type of floor you have, a good polish will do the trick. However, consider refreshing the floors completely in areas that are used a lot. If you have carpets, don’t forget to deep clean them. Also, move your furniture and appliances around to make sure every surface is cleaned. The same goes with walls. Even with the most careful tenants, there are bound to show some signs of wear. You can use dish soap to scrub these areas, but sometimes it’s a lot easier just to repaint them. Light switches, or any switches in general, should be sanitised as well.

Windows, and binds on them, will also benefit greatly from cleaning. You don’t have to scrub doors too much. Wipe them with clean cloths. Especially doorknobs and parts around them. Decorative elements like windowsills, baseboards, and ledges are often overlooked, even though they also need to be cleaned. They are not hard to clean, but they do dust easily. So dust them a bit, from top to bottom, and a whole room will look a lot cleaner.

Cleaning the kitchen and bathroom

Kitchen appliances are some of the hardest things to clean, so arm yourself with patience. Scrub them both inside and out (especially stoves and microwaves) to eliminate any food particles. The kitchen sink is one of the dirtiest things in any home, so be sure to scrub it clean. You can run hot water and pour detergent or white vinegar to clear down the pipes too. Wipe the counters and cabinets as well. Open every cabinet just in case previous tenants forgot to empty them completely. After wiping them, vacuum the corners to remove any remaining crumbs or dust.

Same as with the kitchen, wipe cabinets and countertops clean. Use a soft cloth and a glass cleaner for any glass surface, like mirrors or shower doors. Undoubtedly, the most challenging task is cleaning the toilet and bathtub or shower. Especially the bathing area, as dried off soap scum is not easy to scrub off. Take a brush or a sponge with soft bristles and scrub the inside of the bathtub or shower with hot water and dish soap. The best thing you can do for the toilets is pouring toilet bowl cleaner and let it sit for a few minutes.

Living rooms and bedrooms are essential when apartment cleaning between the tenants

Open and check closets and drawers to see if they have been emptied completely. Then wipe them with a cloth and vacuum the corners. If you have any bedclothes, bedding, or any other household linen, wash them in the machine. New tenants are most likely to bring their own, but having a clean spare can’t hurt. Don’t forget to clean the above and below tables, even the coffee and bedside ones.

The outside area of the apartment

As the final check before the big finale, go outside the apartment. It doesn’t matter if there is a big or small terrace or just a hallway; cleaning outside of the apartment is equally important. The most important things to clean from the outside are windows and doors, but don’t forget to sweep the floors as well or why not even getting pressure washing of the pavement. In fact, professional moving experts list the outside as one of the most overlooked areas. This is mainly due to the fact that it’s one of the easiest areas to get dirty.

There is nothing more refreshing than moving into a clean home. Not to mention that your future tenants will see this as a sign you care for the well-being of both your unit and them. All of this makes apartment cleaning between tenants a worthwhile feat. As the final touch, don’t forget to take pictures of your clean apartment before anyone moves in.