5 Important rules for the décor at home

Creating a stylish and cohesive home décor involves more than just filling your space with furniture and accessories. It requires thoughtful planning and an eye for detail to ensure that every element works together harmoniously. Every homeowner seeks to transform their home into a cosy corner, stylishly arranged and modern furnished according to the recent claims in the décor. Here are five important rules to keep in mind when decorating your home:

Rule 1. The Furniture

Achieve balance in your décor by considering both symmetrical and asymmetrical arrangements. Symmetry creates a sense of order and calm, while asymmetry can add interest and dynamic energy. Ensure that furniture and décor items are proportionate to the size of the room. Large pieces can overwhelm a small space, while tiny items can get lost in a large room. Balance larger items with smaller accessories to create a harmonious look.

The interior designers advise to first choose the furniture, then the colour that will decorate. The reason is that many times people like patterns in the furniture store that fully meet their taste, but not the colour gamut at home. Choose the furniture, then you can easily synchronise them with a colour or combination of colours.

Rule 2:  Choose the right colour

Choose a colour palette that reflects your style and sets the desired mood for each room. Stick to 2-3 main colours and use different shades and tints to create depth and interest. Use neutral colours for larger pieces and walls to provide a versatile backdrop. Incorporate bold colours through accent pieces like throw pillows, rugs, and artwork to add personality without overwhelming the space.

Avoid decorating with more than two different wallpapers or with more than 3 colours. Otherwise, you risk creating a tasteless basis of the room. If you have a larger home, be aware that the white colour would make it seem more spacious. Dark shades are optically narrower, so they are not recommended for small homes.

Rule 3: Choose a focal point

Choose a focal point around which to build the décor in the room. This may be a wall in a different colour than the other walls, furniture in typical style, shape, colour, picture or a decorative element. Arrange furniture in a way that promotes easy movement and functionality. Ensure that pathways are clear and that each piece serves a purpose. For example, place seating around a focal point like a fireplace or TV to encourage conversation and relaxation.

Choose décor items that have personal significance or tell a story. This can include vintage finds, handmade items, or artwork created by loved ones. Personal touches make your home feel more inviting and meaningful.

Rule 4: Size of the property

If you live in an apartment with a small area, accept the idea that you need to furnish your rooms with small furniture items. If you put a sofa in a narrower room that extends from one end to the other, it will look even smaller. Remember that large sized furniture optically narrows the space.

Create distinct zones in open-plan spaces to define different areas, such as a living area, dining area, and workspace. Use rugs, furniture placement, and lighting to visually separate these zones while maintaining a cohesive overall design.


Rule 5: Look for symmetry and proportionality

Even more chaotic and extravagant natures are looking for some formula of agreement between the decorative elements at home, therefore, try to make it simple.  Incorporate elements that reflect your personality and interests. Display personal collections, travel souvenirs, and family photos to make your space uniquely yours.


Final Thoughts

By following these five important rules for home décor, you can create a space that is stylish, functional, and uniquely yours. Balance and harmony, colour coordination, texture and contrast, functional layout, and personal touches are key elements in achieving a cohesive and inviting home environment. Remember that decorating is a personal journey, so have fun experimenting with different ideas and finding what works best for you and your home.

2 Reviews

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    1. Dear Ralph, we appreciate your kind comment. We will keep the good work 🙂

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